February 2015
As our class continued, here is some new brief summary for the latest class in Berkley Hall:
– Que dia es hoy?
– Hoy es Martes veinticuatro(24) de Febrero
– Fecha(date)
– Me puedes dar una galleta por favor?
– Shyla es una chica excelente
– Liama es una chica excelente
– Gaby es una chica excelente y siempre lo seran.
We continued our great class in Berkley this month, and we added some new ideas for students to have fun in learning Spanish. Here is a brief summary of the class:
1. Spanish speaking countries
Objective: To create awareness of the importance of learning Spanish and areas where Spanish is the most used language in foreign countries.
Values: Appreciation of diversity
By students request for their Spanish class they learn the names of Spanish speaking countries:
5.Costa Rica
8.El Salvador
11.Guinea Ecuatorial
18.República Dominicana
?A dónde quieres ir? (Where do you want to go?)
Quiero ir a (I want to go to)____________
Yo quiero ir a (I want to go to)__________
2. Easy sentence formula
Objective: To teach an easy formula that can create in the child the awareness of Structure of Spanish Language patterns (based on Chomsky’s theory)
Values: Appreciation of other’s people creativity and importance of listening skills to be able to learn and the importance of those skills to be able to have fun
Subject + Verb (the rest is optional)
Articles: el, la, los, las (the)
Preposition: en (in)
Nouns (to be used with articles) niño (boy) niña (girl) pelota (ball) parque (park) elefantes (elephants) pájaros (birds) nubes (clouds) zoológico (zoo)
Verbs: juega, juegan (play) corre, corren (run) vuela, vuelan (fly) brinca, brincan (jump)
3. Word games
Students learn and write the new vocabulary words with big letters in big paper squares (Spanish in one side, English on the other side) and mix nouns with verbs to create phrases which make sense, e.g. El niño juega en el parque (The boy plays in the park) after that they play with words and meanings. They take turns to share their creations e.g. (Los elefantes vuelan en las nubes) The elephants fly in the clouds. The laughing reaction helps teacher know if the rest of the students are understanding the meaning of the sentense without looking for the word meaning and asks if that is either possible or not possible. Students then look for another sentense that makes sense.
4. Comida (Food)
Objective: To teach children how they can apply what they learn through the Spanish Club (in restaurants where they can speak with Spanish speaking waitress and waiters)
Values: Appreciation of Hispanic cultures through their different kinds of food (importance of diversity through this Spahish speaking cultures)
Numbers (1-10)
Comida (food)
mesero (waiter)
mesera (waitress)
Comida mexicana (Mexican food)
Enchiladas verdes (green) rojas (red)
Agua de limón
Pastel de chocolate
Dulce de leche
Comida Argentina (Argentinian food)
Comida Española (Spanish food)
Por favor (please)
Sí (yes)
No (no)
Buenas tardes (good afternoon)
Gracias (thank you)
5. Pretend games: Children order food
Objective: Children learn how and when to use each one of these articles with the same food vocabulary from last week and when to use numbers. Reveiwed of last week sentenses.
Values: to ask please (kindness is reinforced) say thank you (gratitude) and respect and value other people’s works.
Children take turns to be either a waiter, waitress or somebody ordering food in a restaurant.
Buenas tardes (good afternoon)
?Le puedo tomar su orden?
Sí, por favor me trae (yes, please, can I have) 1 agua de limón, 1 guacamole, 10 tortillas, etc.
Un, uno, una, unos, unas (one)